nyc trip | personal

i'm so behind. this year, i thought i was being a genius with my fall minis. i offered them every weekend in the morning for a limited number of weeks. wouldn't you know that all the families that booked this fall all booked for the same weekend. the weekend before our trip to new york. plans are for fools.

i thought i would be home by 5pm on sunday, ready to hunker down with the patriots and a ton of editing/gallery uploading etc. etc. thought i'd be waking up refreshed and ready to tackle the world monday. instead, our trip home was, put simply, a complete nightmare. we rode megabus. i will say officially that i wish for not even my worst enemy a trip on this bus. sure, sometimes things can go perfectly, like they did on our way down to NYC. lulling you in with a false sense of security. so that when on the way back,you are shuffled into a rented out parking lot and pushed into lines for 2 hours (one of which was an hour you were supposed to have already spent on your bus, riding gleefully home) you are shocked and appalled. surely this couldn't be the megabus you had known and loved on your maiden voyage.

10 hours. 3 hours spent in a parking lot in CT where everything was cash only. because there was no internet. and of course, why would i have more than $20 in my pocket. we arrived home at 10pm completely beaten down and exhausted. yesterday i kept the big kid home because i'm pretty sure the milk was bad, the bread was moldy and there was no way any of us were ready to be out of bed before 9am.

so when i sat down today to get started on the many many many (many many many) things i'm behind on, i remembered that i took some photos of this trip. and that actually, this trip wasn't all that bad. in fact, it was the best trip to NYC we'd had in a while. sure "we" (wink wink mom) only had to spend a cool million for room and board, but overall, it was a great trip. the husband and i actually went out. night. we came back at 2am two nights in a row. i took shots. shots like you took before you had kids. i swear...i don't know who that person was but boy did she have fun. and a hankering for alka seltzer in the mornings. i also held up the chuppah for my cousin as he wed his bride and cried looking at my man while listening to them recite their vows and the rabbi remind us all what marriage and partnership is all about. when i got home sunday night i thought "thank freaking god i'm married to chris"

a few days before we left i started to get really excited, from a photography perspective. it's always fun to have new scenery and to challenge yourself to look at a world differently. i carried it everywhere, but at the end of the trip only had 26 pictures. which got narrowed down a bit more. ever since upgrading to the iPhone 4 i've been taking instagram to a whole new level. i've been learning how to better incorporate, and easily incorporate, those photos here. i think, i hope, god i always say this crap, that once a week i'll post a little cluster of my instagram shots. but if you don't want to wait a whole week, you can follow me: instagram = @iFurie

i needed to do these photos, first thing today. i needed to remember that the trip was wonderful and great and all things i ever wish for my boys and my family. from early morning hotel sunrises, weird sculptures with boobs and teeth and many a bathroom self photo, this was our trip to nyc.

i think in that last set. my mom with the boys, in line for two hours waiting for the bus. she said specifically "look really sad and angry in this photo!" little did we know...

and here's the run down in photos from the phone.

ok. but seriously. time for karate. and then tonight, me and this computer are getting serious.

xo isabel