Best Baby Bump EVER!

AHHHHH. As I'm typing this, my beautiful sister friend is snuggling in at home with my new little teeny tiny EENSY WEENSY NEPHEW!!!!!! Back in October I took some maternity pics of her and her love while I visited. Her bump stayed petite as he ended up being a small but very mighty and 1000% perfect bean. And on the 27th I head back NOT LIKE I'M COUNTING DOWN THE SECONDS OR ANYTHING TO HOLDING AND SMELLING HIM and maybe taking a few photos. 

This woman is so much to me. She is so good and giving and kind. She loves my kids so much and makes them each feel so special. She slept on our couch for years sneaking Auntie Amy visits into her busy life. She'd always show me a good time when we'd visit her in NYC where she lives. She came and helped me labor at home with Leo and stayed with Jack while we went to the hospital and just...sister friend. Both only children raised by single mothers. Seen so much life together. I am over the top with happiness for her. Over the top. 

NYC part two, more photos, the Brooklyn Bridge, etc.

i've been visiting new york for 31 years. more if you count the fact that i definitely visited while in utero. i have never walked across the brooklyn bridge. we were staying close enough to walk TO it and walk across it. somehow young Jeffe was able to manage two feeble old ladies. it was...the best. 

this is part 2. of i think 3 parts. 

NYC/Best Friend/40th Bday sexy time pics/etc.

i tripped and fell on tara when i was weeding my way through self taught digital photography. it's one of the best weird things that's ever happened to me. she's the abbi to my ilana. the thelma to my louise (without the cliff). the laverne to my shirley. the cheryl to my pam. the allie to my hedy. 

over the last 5 years we've gone from light commenting on IG to hard core texting and voice talking. it got serious fast. but it's had to be long distance. so when she told me she was coming to NYC with Jeff and it was her 40th bday and would i come and stay with her and take some photos maybe of her and Jeff. it was so yes. 

these are the photos i took of my best friend. the first time i ever saw her in front of my real eyes. with her lover. she pushes me when i need it. she cheers me on. she grabs me by the face and screams wake up. she cries with me. she laughs with me. and now she's stuck with me. forever. for. ever. 

oh. and when she said green robe? i was like oh yeah, let's take a look. and then. i was like. um. stfu. and put that on faster and stop being such a dumb idiot. 

also. there are a lot of pics in this post. ENJOY THEM I HOPE YOU DO!!!!!! 

also also. this is a part one. 

December Deal!

Lots of things happen at home. Like babies. Sometimes babies are born at home. I'm passionate about documenting real family moments, big and small, that happen when you and your family are allowed to truly relax and be yourselves! Let that love shine, that special love that is just yours, that you can't quite see in all it's glory in a perfectly posed photo with everyone looking at the camera. 

All sessions booked for Jan/Feb/March will have the session fee waived. That's a $300 discount. 

Deal available to local families only. This deal will run until December 31st.

Let's make some regular old, everyday, spectacular magic.