day on the cape | 20 diptychs | friends that are family

took my little rinky dink to the cape. forced myself again. forced myself to think of it as film with little room for post processing. my sister wives. bffs 4-eva. soul mates from anotha motha. i just really love them. and love their kids. and their mens. love em.

the last time i photographed evie and kai was in CA. i lost those photos. felt good to make new ones today, though. and man. what a good, good day. a summer day.

yep. no words, just a lot of love. xo isabel

name of the game : survive school vacation

that's what this week is all about. except that my mom took the big kid to NYC for most of this week so i had an unfair advantage. today was our first real trip, all of us, during break. and what better way to spend the day then to go down to the cape and be with friends. little Milo is no stranger to my fledgling blog, and i just love watching him grow. i saw him last a month ago (how can it already have been a month since my little guys birthday party?!) and already Milo is so different. now at 4 months, he's really become aware of his surroundings. holding his head up with no problem and his hands and feet do that swimming motion. he's got big things happening in that little brain of his. my 5 year old is now playing chess...and as he says "kicks butt" oy.

in case you're curious, this was Milo's newborn session and i truly can not get enough of him. first he spent some time hanging with mama, then he had a little playtime with my little guy, Leo. and finally, we even went for a walk! it was so beautiful outside today.

love you Milo! and thanks to my wonderful friends for always letting me stick a camera in their faces. xo isabel

welcome! get comfy and stay a while if you like.

if you're reading this, it means you made it! yay! now, onto all that newborn goodness i was going on about. sometimes i can't even believe i am writing what i am writing. that i was lucky enough to be a part of such a time in one's life. my dear sister (in law) Tricia just had her third baby. little Olivia joined the world on 2/2/11 at a whopping 9lbs1oz. but my sister and her husband and my other niece (Luci) and nephew (Joseph) live in DC which really sucks because i love her in a crazy person way and wish she lived on my block. as i've mentioned before, my husband is #seven of nine children and they're pretty much all local with two exceptions, Tricia being one. long story short she just really misses being home and i thought she'd like me to visit right after the baby comes and maybe take some pictures, because they never get any pictures of them all together, or of the kids, and Tricia has been one of my biggest cheerleaders. when i told her i was coming she cried and it was glorious and wonderful and kittens and rainbows. i basically got to do my two favorite things, combine birth/postpartum care and photography. drool. happiness drool that is.

so, here you are. the story of little Olivia coming home and getting to know her rad siblings and letting her crazy aunt photograph her the entire time she settled into her role as #three.

and then my sister went and got all "i'm so gorgeous, i totally didn't have a baby 4 days ago" and sat for family shots. rock star.

gee, i hope you guys like looking at pictures. there are a lot in this post. also to note, this was my first time playing around with the posed infant shot. and let me tell you, it is hard! maybe it's because she's like a tiny football player and at 9lbs difficult to "collapse" but i guess we all start somewhere and so here i start.

well, if you're still here, that's pretty great. i've really enjoyed sharing my journey so far and think it's pretty awesome and also a little crazy, that anyone besides my mom reads this. and thanks to my sister who let me in for a couple of days and let me do my favorite thing ever, tell a story in pictures.

xo isabel